Sweet Lorraine Gallery , Solo, Brooklyn NY, June 2-27, 2022

 A Year Past, Climate Paintings Solo Show,  June 2-June 27, 2022 Artist Shira Toren examines the visual alerts around climate events and reflects upon the possibility of restoration. opening Reception Friday, June 3rd 6-8        

Front Room Gallery Be Mine online Feb 2022

February 2022 “Be Mine” A special Valentine Exhibition celebrating concepts of love. Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure. … Read More

Frontroom Gallery, Opening November 21th 2021 online

Fall Transformation Online As the days get shorter and the gold and amber leaves drift past us in the crisp Fall air, this exhibition takes a moment to reflect on this grand transition that we experience annually. For “Fall Transformation” … Read More

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