Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY May 2021 online

“Ricochet” May 15-June 13 Artworks, that compels not merely one brief glance, rather lingering and thoughtful contemplation – and which causes viewers to reconsider what they had at first believed about the work and thus “ricochet” in the viewer’s mind. … Read More

Ely Center for Contemporary Art Online

WHAT NOW? Isolation has radically shifted the decibel level of my life and dramatically reoriented me toward the natural world. For the many months of this pandemic, I quarantined in a rural area, all my attention turned to nature, I observed … Read More

Ground Floor Gallery NYC Online April 2020

Ground Floor Gallery has partnered with Prevent Child Abuse America on the exhibition, “Deep Blue See,” to raise awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month: April 2020. The CAP Month 2020 color is blue. April1-June 1 Curated by Krista Scenna . … Read More

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